Het is ongeveer 3 keer 3x beter. ;)

Het is ongeveer 3 keer 3x beter. ;)

Het kan letterlijk de wereld wat verbeteren. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Het is ongeveer 3 keer 3x beter. (Geen tiepfout.) ๐Ÿ˜‰

Hemp produces four times more cellulose fibers per acre compared to trees.

To create paper, you only need the cellulose part of the plant. Trees are 30% cellulose; harsh chemicals are used to breakdown the plant to retrieve this 30%.

Hemp is up to 85% cellulose, almost three times more than trees.

Hemp takes about 4-5 months to grow, whereas trees take 50 โ€“ 100 years.

Hemp is the worldโ€™s best biomass, as you can grow 10 tons of hemp per acre.

Hemp can be harvested far more quickly than trees can.

Current pulp and paper mills make up 1/4th of all solid waste in landfill sites.

35% of trees are being cut down for paper.

