Ruim 4x meer eiwit dan biefstuk en het meeste B12 van alle soorten eiwitten

Ruim 4x meer eiwit dan biefstuk en het meeste B12 van alle soorten eiwitten

En dat alles zonder het dierenleed. Dat is wat superbrewed foods heeft gemaakt.

En superbrewed foods is een samenwerking aangegaan met o.a. Boursin en Babybel voor het maken van plantaardige variaties van hun kazen.

“Delivered to clients as a white, shelf-stable powder, Superbrewed protein’s unique features are a whopping 85-percent protein content and the remaining 15 percent is packed with all of the essential amino acids, vitamins, and minerals. “We have the most vitamin B12 of any known protein that I am aware of,” Bryan Tracy, the CEO of Superbrewed foods said.”

Superbrewed Protein is a first-of-its-kind alternative protein that is:
• Highly Nutritious
• Allergen-free
• Non-GMO
• Affordable
• Versatile” 

“In addition to plant-based and cell-based protein, microbial fermentation is emerging as a major pillar in alternative protein production that is far less resource intensive than animal agriculture. Companies in this space source microbes from various places, including geothermal geysers in Yellowstone National Park—where the building blocks of Nature’s Fynd, another company in this space, were found. 

And Superbrewed’s postbiotic protein has a unique source, as well. CEO and founder Bryan Tracy, PhD—an expert in genetic engineering and bacterial fermentation—is deeply interested in the function of the gut microbiome in transforming plant matter into protein. This process occurs within herbivorous animals after every meal. “Animals are bad middle men to do conversion of plant-based ingredients into what we think is a more nutritional set of foods,” Tracy told VegNews about traditional animal agriculture. “We can be more clever.” 
